AERA 2018 presentation: How engagement during out-of-school STEM programs promotes the development of interest (slides, paper, & code)


I’m excited to present a paper on how engagement during out-of-school STEM programs promotes youths’ development of interest with my co-authors Patrick Beymer and Jennifer Schmidt.

The paper is in the session “Data-Intensive Approaches to Studying Engagement in Education: Exploring Their Current Potential”. My co-presenters in the session include Eric Weibe and James Creager, Sophia Hooper, Erica Patall, Ariana Vasquez, Keenan Pituch, and Rebecca Steingut, and Eric Poitas, Tenzin Doleck, Lingyun Huang, Shan Li, & Susanne Lajoie. Ryan Baker is serving as the discussant.

If you are at AERA, the session is at 2:15 pm at the Millenium Broadway Hotel (Room 5.08).