Upcoming presentations at AERA, SITE, and NARST


I am excited to present (or contribute to presentations) associated with a number of ongoing projects at the AERA, SITE, and NARST conferences later this semester. If you are at one of the conferences (or presentations) and would like to get in touch, please do! Here are the titles and some other information for the presentations:

Beymer, P. N., Rosenberg, J.M., & Schmidt, J. A. (2018, April). Investigating the effects of interest and choice: An experience sampling approach. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association New York, NY.

Greenhalgh, S. P., Staudt Willet, B., Rosenberg, J. M., Akcaoglu, M., & Koehler, M. J. (2018, April). Timing is everything: Comparing synchronous and asynchronous modes of Twitter for teacher professional learning. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association New York, NY.

Rosenberg, J. M., Beymer, P. N., & Schmidt, J. A. (2018, April). How engagement during out-of-school time STEM programs predicts changes in motivation in STEM. In J. M. Rosenberg (Chair), Data-intensive approaches to studying engagement in education: Exploring their current potential. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association New York, NY.

Rosenberg, J. M., Lee, Y., Robinson, K. A., Ranellucci, J., Roseth, C. J., & Linnenbrink Garcia, L. (2018, April). Patterns of engagement in a flipped undergraduate class: Antecedents and outcomes. In L. Daniels & A. Frenzel (Chairs), New empirical insights on what energizes learners – A session on emotions and engagement. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association New York, NY.

Schmidt, J. A., Rosenberg, J.M., & Beymer, P. N. (2018, April). Experiences, activities, and personal characteristics as predictors of interest and engagement in STEM-focused summer programs. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association New York, NY.

Shwartz, Y., Bayer, I., Bielik, T., Kolonich, A., Eidelman, R., Shwartz, G., … Rosenberg, J. M. (2018, March). Graduate student international collaboration for investigating science teachers’ professional learning. Paper to be presented at the meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

Koehler, M. J., & Rosenberg, J. M. (2018, March). What factors matter for engaging others in an educational conversation on Twitter? Paper to the presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2018, Washington, DC.