How strong am I? And how able to accept what happens am I?


I gashed open one thumb and slammed the other in my trunk, got lost in the woods, and dealt with some big and complex emotions, and together these experiences have made me realize over the past few months that I have been asked to answer the question: How strong am I? And how able to accept what happens am I?

I briefly passed out when I accidentally slammed my thumb in the trunk after organzing it for a trip to the garden nursey. I didn’t think it hurt that badly, but I felt waves of nausea, then I felt very hot, and then I past out. When I got lost in the woods, I talked to myself as if I wasn’t frightened, but I was. And when I dealt with big and complex emotions, I was unprepared to accept what I felt.

These have been humbling experiences. If I’m not strong and if I am not able to accept what happens now, when will I? All of this living, and I am still learning and growing—maybe more than at any time I can recollect.

This is an abstact and probably to some a bit odd of a post. Life has been good but hard and there may be more opportunities to learn and grow ahead, and this post is my way of welcoming those in.