Serving as an AE for JSDSE


I’m grateful for the opportunity to begin serving as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education. It’s a great fit for what I’m interested in and I’m excited to serve in an editorial capacity. It’s an American Statistical Association journal published by Taylor & Francis, but it’s also entirely open-access! If you’re doing data science education-related research—in K-12 education, generally, and in science education, especially—I’d love to very humbly invite you to submit your work to the journal or to reach out to me to gauge your work’s fit in the journal.

Thanks Nicholas Hortin for inviting me; thanks Mine Dogucu for helping me to become more acquainted with the journal; thanks Victor Lee and Shiyan Jiang, with whom I served as co-editors for a British Journal of Educational Technology special issue on data science education (preparing me for this editorial opportunity). I also feel that serving on the editorial review board for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching was an early trial by fire in understanding how a journal works; I had to review a lot but I learned a lot in the process.