Base group check-in questions


Note. I am adding to this list throughout the Fall, 2019 semester!

Check-out/Exit ticket questions

In many classes I teach, I assign students to base groups, groups of around three or four students who sit together (for most of the time) and “check-in” and “check-out” of class. The goal of base groups is to foster a kind of positive interdependence among students.

The check out questions are typically the same:

Check-in questions

The check-in questions typically consist of one that is somewhat general (and not necessarily related to the focus of the previous or present class - or to the class, at all!), whereas the second question is typically related to the recent focus of the class. I thought it would be helpful to collate some of the first check-in questions for future reference (and perhaps for others’ reference). Here are some that I have used:

Questions related to who shares first

Finally, I sometimes use a question to help students to determine who shares first. Here are some examples: