KnoxData presentation: An introduction to using R for data science, zero prerequisites required!


I am presenting on Thursday, January 24th on An introduction to using R for data science (zero prerequisites required!) for the KnoxData group. The Meetup page for event is here.

A description of the event is here:

R is a freely-available, cross-platform, open-source programming language and statistical software environment that is well-suited to doing data science, but, can have an high barrier to entry. This KnoxData presentation aims to provides an introduction to using for data science, with a focus on developing a foundation in capabilities (and confidence!) that can be applied in a variety of data science contexts. It is open to anyone with an interest in R or data science. Most of the time will be spent on developing the following skills: a) Getting started with RStudio, b) and visualizing (with the ggplot2 R package), processing (with dplyr), and modeling data and presenting results (using a regression model), There are zero prerequisites, though, to get the most from the workshop, please bring your own laptop computer with you with R and RStudio installed.

Installation instructions for R and RStudio are available on the Meetup page for the event.

This is open to the public; anyone who is completely new to R or doing data science is especially welcome to attend.