The first, rough (rough!) draft of the (web-based) version of Data Science in Education Using R is available


The first, rough draft of the (web-based version) of the Data Science in Education Using R book written by Emily Bovee, Ryan Estrellado, Jesse Motstipak, me, and Isabella Velásquez is available from this URL:

I mentioned this in an earlier post introducing the book: the publisher, Routledge, allowed us to stipulate that we retain the copyright for the web-based version, even after the book is published in print (and e-book) format. We’re thrilled to share it in this format!

This is definitely a first, rough (rough!) draft (this will be particularly in the context of some of the network plots, which rendered in a ridiculous way). Also, we - like authors who have written books in the open from which we drew inspiration, such as Advanced R - think about this as a (temporary) bug and a feature, as you can provide feedback on any part of the book in the GitHub repository for it (here) or by reaching out to any of us. We welcome and are thankful for feedback, as we have been throughout.

While we expect most of the structure of the book to stay the same (i.e., the topics of each chapter and their order), we are actively revising, adding to, and cutting the content, including through additional chapters that are nearly completed (see the issues and pull requests) and will add at least some new content prior to the final version. We expect for the book to be published sometime in the next year.